Piet Viljoen

Piet Viljoen

Piet started out as a lecturer at the University of Pretoria, and subsequently joined the South African Reserve Bank as an economic analyst. He joined Allan Gray Investment Counsel in 1991 as a portfolio manager and later moved to Investec Asset Management in 1995. Piet founded RECM, a financial services business, in 2003. He is currently a director of JSE listed RECM & CALIBRE, and a director of Astoria, a Mauritian domiciled investment holding company. Piet also serves on the boards of other private companies.

Jan van Niekerk

Jan van Niekerk

Jan is a qualified actuary with more than 20 years of industry experience. He served as the Chief Investment Officer of Citadel, a South African wealth manager, after which he became CEO of Peregrine Holdings Limited, a JSE-listed financial services firm. Jan joined RECM in 2013.  He is an Executive Director of RECM and Calibre Limited and a non-executive director of Astoria Investments Ltd.